About us

Mark and Stephanie have delivered recovery focused Short Breaks and respite to people living with mental health and psychosocial disability and their careers for over 15 years. Their extensive collective experience in all facets of the development and delivery of this unique and highly valued model of support, means that you can be confident in experiencing a program which is safe, effective and specific to your needs. But most of all, a ‘Charlies’ break is just fun! 


Mark and Stephanie are people of diverse interests and life experience.


Mark has spent much of his career in finance and business, while his passion has brought him full circle to working in mental health. Mark is particularly passionate about working with people toward recovering wellbeing by supporting them to find the tools they may already have to challenge their fears, embrace their passions and talents, and live the life they aspire to.


Stephanie has worked in a range of fields from architectural design to dove wrangling, before following her own personal pursuit to wellbeing and fulfilment through mental health.

From creating a vision board depicting a calm and peaceful environment where people can come to experience good health, wellbeing and enjoyment in a safe and supported space, Stephanie and Mark have developed exactly that; a recovery focused Short Break for people living with psychosocial challenges. The very people who can benefit the most.

So who is Charlie?

Once upon a time, Charlie didn’t get out much.


Charlie had quite a few challenges in life. It was often hard to get out the front door without being anxious and fearful. It didn’t seem to be worth the effort. It was as much as Charlie could do just to keep up with the shopping. So Charlie spent a lot of time at home, watching TV and sleeping. It was hard to find energy and motivation to do much more.


But deep down, Charlie knew there was more to life ……


So Charlie reached out. Charlie showed courage and decided to try something new. In times gone by Charlie had enjoyed art and craft, going to the movies and the zoo. Charlie loved animals and animals loved Charlie.


Charlie took a chance and, with some support, eventually got out of the house. It started with a coffee, then an art class and eventually a short break; a fun and exciting few days away from home in a safe and supported environment with new friends, fun activities, learning new skills and practising old ones like socialising and independence.


Now Charlie is a long way down the recovery path. Charlie is confident to cook for the group. Charlie’s specialty is chicken stroganoff – everyone loves it. Charlie goes out and socialises with new friends independently; birthdays, bowling or BBQs.


Charlie says “When I come on a break, I leave my mental health at the door”. Charlie’s psychiatrist says, ‘Go on your breaks Charlie. It’s clearly so good for you and keeps you out of hospital’.


Respite Breaks have become a very important and a valuable part of Charlie’s ongoing wellbeing strategy. It builds skill, confidence and friendships. And it’s so much fun!

Perhaps Charlie could be you?

What is Recovery?”
Recovery is about achieving an optimal state of personal, social and emotional wellbeing, as defined by each individual, whilst living with or recovering from a mental health condition. (NDIS DAD134 January 2019)