MORE THAN JUST A HOLIDAY: Overcoming challenges, Discovering Potential.

Charlie Takes a Break is more than a holiday; it’s a journey of personal growth. Our short breaks provide a supportive environment for individuals to step outside their comfort zones and tackle challenges head-on. From building confidence and social skills to trying new experiences, our programs foster resilience and independence. We understand that everyday life can be demanding, and our breaks offer a much-needed escape while providing opportunities for personal development. Join us as you rediscover your potential.

Short Breaks are structured around a small group of participants with a support worker, sharing a family style accommodation setting, cooking, hanging out together, sharing activities and outings which interest them. Each Short Break is unique to that participant group, and every step of the way, participants are negotiating the social contract of building rapport, creating consensus, making decisions and having fun.

On Short Breaks participants are enjoying  

  • a beautiful environment,
  • having fun,
  • trying new things,
  • cooking and eating great food,
  • getting away from the pressures or monotony of day-to-day life
  • relaxing in the non-judgmental and non-pressured company of others with whom they share this unique experience.
  • a unique respite experience
  • all the things that anyone would want from a ‘holiday’

But these delights can still come with significant challenge, recovery inputs and growth outcomes including

  • being away from home and out of their comfort or control zone
  • being with people they don’t yet know
  • being motivated and giving themselves opportunity and permission to indulge in something which is enjoyable and enriching
  • taking risks by engaging in new things.
  • accessing larger community events (dealing with crowds, unknown and less predictable situations, etc)
  • learning new food preparation skills, exploring new tastes and cultures.
  • developing the skill, confidence and comfort in being in the company of others by just hanging out in the group without feeling embarrassed or feeling a need to be performative but, rather, being confident and comfortable in their own skin.

Our short breaks offer a safe and supportive environment to unwind, recharge, and rediscover your true self. Step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences without judgment. Through shared activities, relaxation, and connection with others, you’ll gain the confidence to be authentically you. Let go of performance pressures and simply enjoy the moment. Our goal is to empower you to live life on your terms.

Experience the freedom of being truly comfortable in your own skin. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and relaxation.